What?!? It’s December?!?

1 12 2011

Wow, where did that come from?  Didn’t school just start?  Well, I pulled a not-quite-all-nighter to make our advent activity list, like last year.  Here are our plans, subject to lots of rearrangement as needed:

Advent Activities:

1. Set up tree and decorate!

2. Make bird feeders

3. Holiday Party

4. Holidays at the market

5. Send Christmas cards

6. Candlelight night in Pittsford

7. Make felt ornaments for tree

8. Make gingerbread houses (day 1)

9. Decorate gingerbread houses

10. Make Christmas gifts for family

11. Decorate wrapping paper, send gifts

12. Christmas tree craft

13. Make ornaments from salt dough

14. Go for a winter hike

15. Make Christmas cookies, share with neighbors

16. Watch a Christmas movie together.

17. Make “snow” playdough, make little snowmen

18. Make bells, sing Jingle bells

19. Preschool Christmas party and visit to nursing home

20. Take silly pictures in santa hats

21. Go for a drive to see the lights

22. Play games and have hot cocoa

23. Go sledding

24. Christmas Eve service

25. Christmas!

I joined Pinterest and have started collecting activities and potential handmade gifts.  I love it!  (A little too much…)  Are you on Pinterest?



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